Virtual Reality Classes for middle and high school students
Requirements: A Meta Quest 2 Headset, a USB wire that can connect their headset to their computer, a PC computer or laptop with minimum of Windows 10.
Class 1: In Class 1, students will learn topics about Virtual Reality (VR) such as: How it was created, who uses it, and the projected future of the VR Industry. They will learn what programs are used to create VR then will learn about Unity: the game engine we’ll use in the class. We’ll download the game engine and learn how to use it.
What is VR?
How will we create VR?
Downloading and Installing Unity
Introduction to Unity
Class 2: Students will learn how to set up the VR system in Unity. They will be able to put on their VR headsets and see the world they create.
Setting up the XR-Interaction Toolkit (VR System)
Creating our scene (Downloading free assets to create background for the game)
Class 3: Students will set up the hands used to grab objects in games and will learn how to teleport to different parts of their game.
Setting up VR Hands
Class 4: Students will create animations they can interact with in their games. They also create special effects such as explosions.
Making our scene interactive
Adding Special Effects
Class 5: Students will learn how to add sounds to their game so they can hear the world they create. They learn how to optimize the game before publishing.
Adding Sound Effects
Optimizing our game
Class 6: Students will learn how to publish their games and how to have a career in VR.
How to Publish our game
Careers in VR